Thursday, 4 January 2007

Hair today, gone tomorrow! was too much to resist! It's not often that that joke is so relevant! As you can see I now have a lot less hair than I did. I didn't realise when I posted that picture of myself earlier in the week how relevant the 'I won't look like this for much longer' comment was going to become...and how quickly! It is going to be so much more practical when I have no water to wash it in - my mother is a very talented hair dresser...and cunning enough to take 'a slight undecided grunt' to mean 'cut it all off' before there was any chance of changing my mind. I may not even need to pack a hair brush!! As you can probably also see from this picture I am fairly tired right now (it all comes of having nightmares about trying to save baby elephants - something I shall try to avoid tonight!) so I'm ready for a nice sleep on the plane tomorrow. We fly at 22.00 and will arrive in Dubai at 9am on Saturday, then sit in the airport for six hours (another potential sleeping moment!) then travel on to Nairobi, arriving around 7pm. There we will get Kenyan visas and will be met by Fred the taxi driver (no joke!) who will take us to the Methodist guest house in Nairobi for the night. I hear it's a great place to sleep...


Kate Mc said...

I'm sensing a slight sleep theme to this post...

lenina said...

Woo short hair! - though I can't tell from that photo whether it's actually shorter than mine or not.

Anyway, just wanted to wish you luck and all that jazz. I've linked your blog to one of mine so I can find it easily!

Take care l&k Gem