Saturday, 3 February 2007


So - here is finally a picture of the magnificent animals we saw in the Virunga mountains. Unfortunately I have loads of good video but not so many good photos...because my camera kept making a dinging sound every time I took a shot and I couldn't stop it and I didn't want them to get angry and rampage at I didn't take many! You'll be pleased to know that no rampaging did take place and eventually I will work out how to capture still shots from the video - and then I'll show you the babies playing! You'll also be pleased to know that Pam is back from Uganda safe and sound - she was there two nights longer than she intended because it took all that time for the shoeshop keeper to collect up 700 pairs of shoes from his and other establishments, so it was a very long and tedious three days spent sat in a shoe shop by all accounts. I wished I had stowed away on the back of the truck so that I could have kept her company...unfortunately there wasn't room for me and the shoes! On Monday we will be distributing 700 pairs of shoes to 700 children...and possibly on Tuesday...and Wednesday...
I told one of the girls today that we were coming in on Monday to sort the shoes and that she would probably get her pair by December...she looked at me with wide-eyed disbelief and after some time said, "Oh, you're joking!" and jumped up and down!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
