There was some exciting news that I forgot to tell you! Last week we took a trip to visit a friend of Pam's, a muzungu called Kay-Ellen...or K-Ellen (we're not entirely sure how its spelt!) Anyway, the amazing thing is where she lives - in Ros Carr's house! As many of you will know Ros Carr lived out in Rwanda for many years, setting up an orphanage primarily for victims of the genocide, but then for anyone who needed to be cared for there. There are still over 100 orphans there and Kay-Ellen and another American, Martha, oversee it. There are also extensive gardens which we wandered through, and found Ros Carr's grave amongst the trees. The acres and acres are looked after by gardeners and still accessible to the public; I think Ros Carr used to use them as a form of income. Some of the orphans also make rugs and shawls which they sell. We celebrated nine June birthdays with them on the day we visited and cut up two huge cakes, enough for everyone!
In the afternoon Pam, Tracy and I went for a walk out of the grounds and ended up collecting a whole bunch of children as we walked back...the pied piper effect which we so often seem to have! They sang to us as we walked and took it in turns to hold our hands - they were very cute!
This picture is (from the left) me, Tracy, K-Ellen, Pam and Sue outside Ros Carr's house. Sue has now returned to the US for some medical tests and she won't be back before we leave so when the three of us go there will be no permanent muzungus in Ruhengeri! In case any of you hadn't gathered, Pam is also returning the UK, the day after we leave for the trek. She is coming home to relax first but then do some serious deputation work around the country. If anyone would like her or me (or most likely both!) to come and speak to a group of people (WI, Rotary, Church congregations, coffee mornings, schools, knitting groups, those-in-awe-of-the-elephant get the idea) about Tubakunde we would be very happy to do so. Drop me an email or use the tubakunde email to get in touch with the home partners - - we talk for free and guarantee a fun filled evening!!
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