Sunday, 7 April 2019

Meant to be...?

Recently I did a personality profile which suggested I might have the potential to be impulsive. I examined this idea and decided it just didn't really fit. In the same week the following occurred...

I haven't been to Rwanda for ten years, and it is twelve years since I lived there for 6 months. Talking to my friend, Pam, who lives out there, I discovered she was going to take some time off work over Easter.  As my own Easter plans had fallen through I had a brief look at flights - normally dismissed as way out of my price range, but on this occasion half the amount they usually are. Within 24 hours of formulating the idea, my flights were booked, I'd ordered my anti-malarials and started the process of booster injection booking. Everything fell into place incredibly easily...sometimes the universe just seems to agree with a decision! This was a couple of weeks ago and I travel on Friday!

So, if you're interested in reading about more Rwanda adventures, keep an eye on this blog for the next couple of weeks...

Still musing on the idea that I'm impulsive....!

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