Monday, 15 April 2019


Ruhengeri... or Musanze as it is now called has changed so much in the last ten years.  I barely recognise the main street - so many more buildings, shops, people, motos, traffic...its almost like I remember Kigali (the capital) being 10 years ago.  I dread to think how busy Kigali now is, no doubt I'll find out at some point!  The market is the only thing that has stayed the same... I tried to take some covert photos yesterday when Justus and I went shopping.  There was a power cut so it was completely dark inside the middle of the market, but I got some photos on the periphery.  I just love the vibrant colour of the fruit and vegetables, not to mentiont the taste.  Avocados and tomatoes are so good here.  And I have found I can eat the little, slightly bigger than finger-length bananas here which is brilliant! I find English bananas difficult to digest, but these ones are part of my staple diet!

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